Stay for studies
Type of authorization, requirements and procedure
It is an authorization that enables you to remain in Spain for a period of more than ninety days to carry out or extend studies in an authorized teaching center in Spain, in a full-time program, which leads to obtaining a degree or certificate of studies.
- Not be a citizen of a State of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, or a family member of citizens of these countries to whom the regime of citizens of the European Economic Area or Switzerland applies, or family member of citizens of these countries to whom the Union citizen regime applies.
- Not appear as rejectable in the territorial space of the countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.
- In case of requesting the authorization from Spain, be regularly in Spanish territory.
- Have sufficient economic means to cover the expenses of stay and return to their country and, where appropriate, those of their relatives, in accordance with the following amounts:
For their support, monthly, 100% of the IPREM, unless it is duly accredited to have paid for the accommodation in advance for the entire duration of the stay.
For the support of their relatives, monthly, 75% of the IPREM for the first relative and 50% of the IPREM for each of the remaining persons, unless it is duly accredited to have paid for the accommodation in advance for all the time that there is to be last the stay.
- The amounts used to defray the cost of the studies will not be computed for these purposes.
- Have paid the processing fee for the procedure.
- Have public or private health insurance arranged with an insurance entity authorized to operate in Spain.
- In the case of underage students who are not accompanied by their parents or guardians, authorization from the latter, with proof of the center, organization, entity and body responsible for the activity and the period of stay planned.
- To have been admitted to an authorized teaching center in Spain, to carry out a full-time program, which leads to obtaining a degree or certificate of studies.
In the event that the duration of the stay exceeds six months, the following will be required:
- In the case of adults of criminal age, lack of criminal records in Spain and in their previous countries of residence during the last five years for existing crimes in the Spanish legal system.
- Not suffer from any of the diseases that may have serious public health repercussions in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations of 2005.
- Subject entitled to submit the student visa application: the student, personally or through a representative. If you are a minor, your parents, guardians or duly accredited representative, personally.
- Place of presentation: Spanish diplomatic mission or consular office in whose demarcation the foreigner resides. The application must be addressed to the immigration office corresponding to the province in which the educational center is located.
- Visa issuance fee: to be paid at the time of applying for the visa.
- Term for resolution and issuance of the visa: the maximum term to notify the resolution is one month from the day following the date of presentation of the application at the competent consular office for its processing. Once said period has elapsed without the Administration having given an express response, it may be understood that the application has been rejected due to administrative silence.
- The visa granted must be collected within two months from the notification. If the collection is not carried out within the aforementioned period, it will be understood that the interested party has renounced the visa granted and the procedure will be archived.
- The duration of the stay granted will be the same as that of the studies to be carried out, with a maximum limit of one year (or two years in the case of studies carried out in an authorized higher education institution, which give rise to to obtaining a recognized higher education qualification when it includes a preparatory course or compulsory training placements).
- In the event that the stay for studies lasts more than six months, the foreigner must personally request the foreigner identity card within one month of entering Spain, at the Immigration Office or Police Station of the province where the authorization has been processed. Where to go, hours and if you have to make an appointment.
- The applicant will show his passport or travel title at the time of the fingerprint process and provide:
- Foreign card application, in official model (EX-17)
- Proof of payment of the card fee..
- A recent color photograph, on a white background, passport size.
- The student can come accompanied by their relatives, who must also apply for the corresponding visas.
- They may be authorized to carry out activities for others or for their own account, provided that the activities are compatible with the studies and do not exceed 30 hours per week.
In the case of higher education, regulated training for employment or aimed at obtaining a professional certificate, or training leading to obtaining the technical aptitude certification or professional qualification necessary for the exercise of a specific occupation, the authorization to stay for studies will authorize work for others and for self-employment.
- The spouse, common-law partner, children under the age of eighteen or who have a disability and are not objectively capable of providing for their own needs due to their state of health, can obtain authorization to legally enter and remain in Spain together with the student. during the duration of your studies.
- Subject entitled to submit the visa application: the student's family member personally or through a representative.
- Place of presentation: Spanish diplomatic mission or consular office in whose demarcation the relative of the foreign student resides.
- Time to apply for the family member's visa: it may be applied for simultaneously with the student's study visa, or at any later time within the validity period of the authorization to stay for studies.
- For it to be granted, it must be proven that the foreigner has sufficient economic means to support the family unit, the family or kinship bond and, in the case of children over eighteen years of age, documentation proving that they are not objectively capable.
- The authorization of the relatives will be linked to that of the student, and they may remain in Spanish territory for the same period and in the same situation as the student.
- If the relatives stay for more than six months, they must obtain a foreign identity card.
- The student's relatives may not obtain, in any case, authorization to carry out lucrative activities.
- The work activities must be compatible with the completion of the studies and must not exceed 30 hours per week.
- It will not be necessary to request authorization to carry out non-work practices that are part of the study plan and have been agreed by means of an agreement between the teaching center and the entity in which said practices are to be carried out.
- In the case of higher education, regulated training for employment or aimed at obtaining a professional certificate, or training leading to obtaining the technical aptitude certification or professional qualification necessary for the exercise of a specific occupation, the authorization to stay for studies will authorize work for others and self-employment without the need to request an express authorization.
- Entitled subject to submit the application: the employer or businessman, personally, or through a legitimate subject that has been assigned legal business representation.
- Place of presentation: Immigration Office of the province where the services are to be provided.
- Work rates: they will accrue at the time the application is accepted for processing and must be paid by the employer within ten business days, they are:
- Model 790 code 062, available at this link.
- Application resolution period: 3 months from the day following the date on which it was entered in the register of the competent body for processing. Once said period has elapsed without the Administration having made the notification, it may be understood that the application has been dismissed due to administrative silence (when it has not been possible to notify the resolution, it will be announced on the Single Edictal Board (TEU). If notification had been chosen electronically or legally obliged to use that means, the resolution will be notified by publication in the electronic headquarters. If the resolution is not accessed within 10 business days from its publication, it will be considered notified).
- The validity of the authorization to work will coincide with the duration of the authorization to stay. The loss of validity of the authorization to stay will cause the termination of the authorization to work.
- The authorization to work will be extended if the circumstances that motivated the previous concession persist, as long as the extension of the authorization to stay has been obtained.
- Having paid the authorization fee on behalf of others
- The work activities must be compatible with the completion of the studies and must not exceed 30 hours per week.
- Comply with the requirements that current legislation requires for the opening and operation of the projected activity.
- Possess the required professional qualification or sufficient accredited experience in the exercise of professional activity, as well as, where appropriate, membership when required. If applicable, the approved degree
- Being able to prove that the planned investment is sufficient and the impact, where appropriate, on job creation, including self-employment as such.
- Having paid the fee for self-employment authorization.
- Subject entitled to submit the application: the foreign student personally.
- Place of presentation: Immigration Office of the province where the services are to be provided. Address information, telephone numbers and opening hours to the public.
- The work fees: they will accrue at the time of admission to the application process and must be paid by the student within ten business days, they are:
- Model 790 code 062, available at this link.
- Application resolution period: 3 months from the day following the date on which it was entered in the register of the competent body for processing. Once said period has elapsed without the Administration having made the notification, it may be understood that the application has been dismissed due to administrative silence (when it has not been possible to notify the resolution, it will be announced on the Single Edictal Board (TEU). If notification had been chosen electronically or legally obliged to use that means, the resolution will be notified by publication in the electronic headquarters. If the resolution is not accessed within 10 business days from its publication, it will be considered notified).
- The validity of the authorization to work will coincide with the duration of the authorization to stay. The loss of validity of the authorization to stay will cause the termination of the authorization to work.
- The authorization to work will be extended if the circumstances that motivated the previous concession persist, as long as the extension of the stay authorization has been obtained.
- The student visa is the residence authorization that allows non-EU citizens to remain in Spain while they study in public or private educational centers, carry out research in the country or participate in some type of training. More precisely, all those who wish to enroll in any professional training course, master's, postgraduate, doctoral or bachelor's degree in Spain must apply for a study visa. It is very important to understand that this visa is intended exclusively for citizens from outside the European Union. Also, we are not talking about a regular residence permit.
- The stay for studies is only an authorization to reside in Spain during the period that your course lasts. That is why when counting the years necessary to obtain permanent residence, the years lived under the student visa count half, and for Spanish nationality they do not count at all.
- However, with the reform of the immigration regulations, it has become a great option for non-EU citizens. Well, it allows you to work, automatically, 30 hours per week, and once you complete your studies (no matter how long), you can change to a work permit very easily and comfortably.
- Types of student visas
There are two different types of student visas depending on the duration of your course or studies:
- Short-term student visa, the option created for those foreigners who study between 91 to 180 days in the country.
- Long-term student visa, if the duration of your studies is longer than 6 months.
- What happens if they extend my course or studies?
Suppose your studies finish in June, and therefore your student visa is also valid until that month. There is no problem. You can apply for a student card extension at your local police immigration office.
- Can I get my student permit as a tourist from Spain?
An important advice for these cases. Make sure that before entering Spanish territory you have all the documents prepared. Why? Why are you going to have to send them before the last 30 days in which you enjoy legal status in the country. That is, if you are on a tourist visa that lasts 3 months, this will not be a problem. But if the time allotted to you is less than that, you should hurry up.
- Can you work with your student visa in Spain?
Yes, it is totally possible to work in Spain with your study visa. If your study visa was issued after August 16, 2022, you can automatically work with this visa for a maximum of 30 hours a week, without having to carry out any extra procedures (the card itself already authorizes you to work). Any type of work will be valid, and it can be throughout Spain, since there is no type of geographical limitation.
- Modification of the residence permit to a work permit
After finishing your studies (and 60 days before the expiration date of your student card) you can change your student visa to a work permit. And it doesn't matter what the duration of your studies was, or the type of job offer you find. This basically means that you can easily switch from a student visa to a work permit:
- If you are going to work for someone (employee), you will need to find a job offer that allows you to work 40 hours per week for a year
- If you are going to become a self-employed person, you will have to present your business plan in which you detail the business idea that you want to execute.
Here you will find the list with the necessary documents to formalize your application.